3rd Oct 1864 Esther Todman absent from her class; went to Brighton; Cooke at his tricks again; saw his mother about him. 1 girl admitted Cecilia Enson. 13/0 pence.
4th Oct 1864 First Class very noisy; Gover and Stoner & Burtenshaw kept for home lessons.
5th Oct 1864 Many late; Fred Cook absent; send word to his mother.
6th Oct 1864 Ascertained Cook is at work. Fifth Class very troublesome; kept till 4.30.
7th Oct 1864 Will. Coomber kept for home lessons. Sam U & Anne Gaston for catechism, Maynard sent home for his book. 2/9 returned for regularity.
10th Oct 1864 9.30 Horams late; Celia Enson sent home ill; 11.30 Anne Cooke and Emily Burtenshaw 50 lines; latter left at 11.45 do the lines tomorrow. 115 present. Pence 13/0 about.
11th Oct 1864 Billy Coomber kept for home lessons: 11.20 Assistant Master ill with toothache. Very noisy in the afternoon.
12th Oct 1864 St. Wilfrid’s Day. Children allowed half holiday and promise of something better next year.
13th Oct 1864 Many come in late – clock 5m too fast. Work as usual. First dictation wretchedly bad.
14th Oct 1864 Friday attendance good, as usual. Noisy in the afternoon. Many beech nuts throwing about. Returned 3/2 for regularity
17th Oct 1864 Present 104. Many omitted bringing their school pence. One new boy admitted Arthur Frederick Watkins
18th Oct 1864 Second Class have forgotten Pence Table – learn them for home Lessons. First Class spelling defective.
19th Oct 1864 Tables badly learnt in 2nd Class, Emily & J Burtenshaw very irregular.
20th Oct 1864 Some talk that C Whatford is playing truant. The Packhams in 2nd class have not learnt their home lessons.
21st Oct 1864 Attendance very fair this week except the Second Class. Returned 3/1 for regularity.
24th Oct 1864 Present 115. Anne Johnson & Emma Burtenshaw come to school again.
25th Oct 1864 Arthur Bell very irregular; supposed to be playing at truant. Work as usual.
26th Oct 1864 Anne Johnson L.R. returned to school; mother wished her to be in 4th class that she might attend Miss Neale’s lessons.
27th Oct 1864 Emma Burtenshaw obliged to go home ill. Wrote to N.S. for fresh supply of books etc.
28th Oct 1864 None late; great improvement in that aspect this week. Returned for regularity 3/9.
31st Oct 1864 Several late. 115 present. School pence 12/11 First Class Home Lessons not learnt so well as usual.